Submit a Former Lookout

Do you know of a former lookout site you would like to see added to FFLOS? Tell us about it by submitting the form below!

This form is only to nominate towers that have been removed to their foundation or were just a tree stand. If the tower has remaining structure standing above its foundation, please nominate it on the National Historic Lookout Register instead.

Your Info

This won't be publicly displayed. It is in case we have questions about your submission.

Lookout Info

If you do not know the coordinates, you can right-click in Google Maps on the lookout and choose "What's Here" to view them. Please provide the coordinates either decimal format (40.123,-80.345) or DMS format (N 40 01 12 W 080 03 59).
List the county and state where this lookout is located.
If this lookout is in a park, forest, or tract, please list its name here.
Please provide any other information that would be helpful to understand the lookout's location.
Leave blank if not known.


Are there any other agencies involved in maintaining this lookout site? If this is a National Forest site, please list Ranger District.

Lookout Details

Please provide a description and brief history of the tower.


We appreciate receiving your photos of lookouts. By submitting a photo, you certify that took the photo yourself or otherwise are authorized to permitted to display it on the FFLOS.

Please upload a photo of the lookout or site.

User Verification